Love your 1911? Think there’s a way you can expand its utility or performance?
There is. There are, rather, several ways to do so, especially with these 1911 accessories.
Get the scoop here.
Mounting a WML (weapon-mounted light) on some 1911 models and clones is easier than on others. Not all have rail space for mounting accessories.
Some of the better of the 1911 clones out there have rail space under the barrel, which is perfect for attaching an accessory like a WML.
Now for the value of a WML. What you can’t see can kill you, and having a light in the dark offers a decided tactical advantage.
A Compensated Barrel
Perhaps this should be considered more of a 1911 part than an accessory, but it is a big one nonetheless.
And the reason we say a compensated barrel rather than a compensator is because a lot of 1911 models are made without threaded barrels. So to get a compensator you need the whole thing.
The reason for a compensator is straightforward enough. A compensator can cut felt recoil by as much as half and possibly even more, resulting in faster, more accurate follow up shots.
They’re great for the recoil-shy and just great all around, and they don’t adversely affect shot power.
Night Sights
Night sights for your 1911 are so much better than stock iron sights. Night sights glow in the dark and can substantially help you boost accuracy in low-light conditions.
But most importantly, unlike a WML, night sights will keep you hidden, which alone is as much of an advantage as being able to throw light.
Best to have both.
A Grip with an Integrated Laser Sight
There are some really cool 1911 grips out there that have integrated laser sights and which are either pressure or switch activated.
These laser sights offer an easy avenue to making quick, reflexive shots without the need to line up iron sights. They’re also a good alternative to optics, and enable you to shoot offhand or from uncomfortable positions.
A Nice Leather Holster
This 1911 accessory might not be for everyone, but there’s just no way to beat the class of a traditional steel 1911 with wood grips, married to a quality, full-grain leather shoulder holster.
There’s no pairing like it, plus, even though most leather holsters don’t offer the same quick access of modern alternatives, they’re a lot more comfortable and protect the gun better.
And then there’s the cool factor. You can’t overlook that.
Where to Get These 1911 Accessories?
Interested in perusing these and discovering other 1911 accessories? Check out what’s in stock online at SARCO Inc., or visit them in their showroom if you’re in their area.
They carry a massive range of 1911 parts and accessories, including barrels with compensators, sights, slides, frames and internal parts, along with other shooting accessories.
Whatever you need for a 1911, they have it. Learn more on their website or get in touch with them directly for more information.