6 Ways Professional eCommerce PPC Management Can Potentially Benefit Your Campaign

Anyone can create an AdWords account and get pay-per-click advertising (also known as PPC) off the ground.

But can anyone get a campaign off the ground and start turning a profit? That’s a bit easier said than done. Getting impressions and clicks is relatively easy, but as you might guess from the name “pay-per-click,” just getting clicks is going to cost you.

You need better leverage and higher conversion value. These are just a few of the things that an eCommerce PPC management provider can deliver.

Better Bid Management

How much you are willing to bid on keywords to show up in the ad listings is going to impact how much visibility your ads get.

Willing to pay too much can drive down your ROAS, not paying enough can result in poor to no visibility – so you might not be paying much but you’ll also be getting no revenue.

Better Keyword Selection and Targeting

Naturally you have to target keywords that are relevant to your target audience, but you also have to make sure you rule out negative keywords, too.

On top of that, an eCommerce PPC management provider can improve device, time of day, and demographic targeting, as well as targeting based on past behavior (like retargeting).

These can be some of the biggest strategic changes you can make to your campaign that can improve campaign performance.

Higher Ad Quality Scores

Ad quality score is a metric that indicates the basic quality of an ad, based on expected click-through, the landing page experience, and the ad copy.

An eCommerce PPC agency can move the needle on this front as a better quality score benefits the campaign. This is especially true if the agency has professional copywriters that draft the copy, or developers that improve and optimize the landing page.

More Visibility

Greater visibility for your PPC ads is largely a product of the bid strategy and keyword selection, both of which must be fine tuned to ensure your ads are populating in the right place at the right time.

More Conversions

Once you get the click – then what?

If a user is clicking on an ad, it means the copy resonates and that targeting – both with respect to the keywords and the target audience – has been done right.

But once they’re on the landing page, it must meet expectations. This is where landing page optimization comes into play. The fewer roadblocks there are to conversions, the better the campaign will perform.

The Bottom Line: Greater ROAS

Ultimately, all of this comes back around to return on ad spend, which for most advertisers is the most important aspect of a campaign.

Return on ad spend is basically how much you get back for every marketing dollar you spend. If it is higher than one, it’s turning a profit, but most advertisers are looking for ROAS values of 2 or 3 or even 4.

Besides, you need to cover the management fee for the campaign. But either way, the skill and insight of marketing experts can often generate a higher ROAS for your campaign, which is the single best reason to consider working with an eCommerce PPC management provider.

Working with an eCommerce PPC Management Provider

If your campaign is stagnant and you’re looking for impactful ways to spend your marketing budget so that you can turn a greater profit through pay-per-click marketing channels, consider hiring an eCommerce PPC management provider with the right experience in your vertical. A seasoned PPC expert can take a stale campaign and turn it around – it just takes a good strategy and a thorough understanding of the industry.

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