Advice from an eCommerce Digital Agency: 26 Terms to Know

There are eCommerce marketing agencies out there that offer a wide range of services from SEO to PPC and AI optimization, CRO, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and a whole lot more.

Many of them throw jargon around like confetti. For the rest of us, this can be as confusing as all heck.

So, we consulted 1Digital Agency, one of the country’s foremost eCommerce digital agencies, to give us the skinny on some of the most common of these.

With No Further Ado

So, what are some of those common terms and acronyms that can be confusing for neophytes?

  • SEO: Search engine optimization, this is one of the most effective organic marketing channels. It is a collection of practices to make your website show up higher in the organic search results.
  • SEM: Search engine marketing, of which SEO is one prong. It consists of all marketing strategies that rely on search engines.
  • PPC: Pay-per-click, an SEM strategy in which users bid on keywords to get their ads placed at the tops of the search results.
  • CPC: Cost-per-click, or how much you are actually spending to get each click on one of your ads.
  • CTA: Call to action, a play used in marketing to “light a fire” under users and spurn action.
  • CPA: Cost per acquisition, a metrical index of how much you need to spend to acquire each new customer.
  • ROI: Return on investment, or how much you are getting back for every dollar you spend. As long as you have an ROI of greater than one, you’re turning a profit.
  • ROAS: Return on ad spend, or how much you are getting on each dollar you spend on ads. Anything above 1 indicates profitability.
  • Impressions: An impression is a “view” of a listing in the search engine results page.
  • Reach: Similar to impressions, reach is the number of unique users that see your content, post, or listing. Many impressions can come from one user, so reach and impressions are distinct.
  • Buyer persona: A term used by eCommerce digital marketing agencies to generalize an “ideal” target customer, for the purpose of targeting and segmentation.
  • CTR: Click-through rate, or the percentage of impressions that become clicks.
  • Sessions: A session is like one instance of a user visiting a page.
  • Time on page: How long a user spends on a page; higher is generally better.
  • Conversion: A term used to describe when a user takes a desired action. In eCommerce, usually conversions are equivalent to sales, but not always.
  • B2B and B2C: Business to business, and business to consumer, respectively.
  • KPI: Key performance indicators, used by digital marketing to determine the efficacy and success of a campaign.
  • Lead: A user that has not become a customer yet but has a relatively high likelihood of becoming one.
  • Landing page: This is the page a user “lands” on when they click something.
  • CRM: Customer relationship management, a collection of practices to improve customer service and retention.
  • CMS: A content management system, like WordPress.
  • Bounce: Bounce occurs when a user visits a page and then leaves without taking any additional actions.
  • Keyword difficulty: A subjective metric indicating how hard it will be to come into ranking for a given keyword or query.
  • Keyword volume: The number of times a given keyword or query is searched per month, in a specific region.
  • Long tail: Queries that consist of numerous words (normally more than four) and usually take the form of a conventional question. (Example: How do I clean leather boots?)
  • Short tail: Queries that consist of only one or a few words (generally less than four) and sometimes are not interrogative in nature. (Example: boots for sale.)

This is a good place to start, but there are many, many others. If you want to learn more, then here’s what you need to do…

Want to Know More? Contact an eCommerce Digital Agency

The best way to get to the bottom of what you want to know is to contact an eCommerce digital agency that offers relevant services. That’s what we did!

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