Water is the principal promoter of chemical reactions and physical degradation in compressed air systems, hence condensation and corrosion are avoided by drying the air before compression.
Desiccant dryers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and each one serves a different purpose in the industry of dehumidifying air and so preventing corrosion. Compressed air can have its moisture content reduced by using a regenerative desiccant dryer, which employs solid adsorbents in granule form.
What is a Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryer?
Specifically crafted for uses that call for a very low dew point, a desiccant air dryer makes use of high-quality desiccant material to remove water vapor from compressed air. Regenerative desiccant air dryers, with their unique twin-tower design, are able to dry air and regenerate desiccant without affecting the flow of compressed air.
Since moisture in the air can freeze inside the pipework of a compressed air system, a Regenerative Air Dryer is required in severely cold situations, such as in food manufacturing companies.
Very low dew points may be achieved using regenerative desiccant dryers, preventing any chance of freeze-up at very modest operating costs.
Industrial Food Processing Using Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryers
Desiccant dryers are superior to other types of dryers because they are able to remove moisture from the air in food processing systems even when the ambient temperature is below freezing.
The disadvantages of these systems include their higher initial cost, their potential energy consumption, and the frequency with which the desiccant must be replaced.
Compressed air that is used in the food industry is often dried using regenerative desiccant dryers to meet ISO 8573 Class 1-2 criteria, which can be as low as a pressure dew point (PDP) of -70°C (-94°F) for Class 1 .
The air used in the food processing sector must be cleaned of solid particles. Particles of solid matter can clog the perforations of control valves, alter the readings of gauges, and scrape the walls of air cylinders, all of which can lead to leaks in pneumatic control circuits.
Air jet nozzles used to tidy food handling surfaces may become clogged with particles, and spray coatings applied to food products may lose their intended consistency if they are sprayed with a diluted solution that contains fragments and other minute particles.
What Are the Most Cost-Effective Desiccant Air Dryers for the Food Industry?
The Aircel AHLD E-Series dryers are high-quality, fully automatic, heatless desiccant dryers with an integrated Energy Management System for purge reduction, all with the goal of minimizing energy consumption.
Each version combines cutting-edge technology with sturdy parts to create the most dependable heatless dryers money can buy.
Unlike heat and dew point spikes at switchover, heatless adsorption ensures a consistently low dew point. This results in a method for drying compressed air that is easy to use, reliable, and inexpensive.
When the load is low, the control system automatically changes the regeneration cycle to keep the output dew point constant and the drying time constant. Dryer upkeep is lessened and desiccant capacity is utilized to its maximum with less frequent switching.
With its built-in Energy Management System, your return on investment is optimized through the provision of substantial energy savings even amid varying loads and air needs. This enhancement maintains the outlet dew point at a low level while also enhancing dependability and performance.
Total purging times are cut down, and tons of energy are saved as a result