Who is a business lawyer?
A business lawyer is also called a corporate lawyer or a transactional lawyer. Business lawyers mainly deal in contracts. They help form companies; they work through partner-founder agreements. Business lawyers are kind of business generalists for the most part. They are usually the first ones to be called when someone is starting a new company. To be precise, they help to structure the company and draft legally binding contracts.
Right from inception to liquidation, a business lawyer’s advice is required every step of the way. As mentioned above, their primary job is drafting contracts and helping form companies. Aside from these, they also handle lawsuits on behalf of the company, make policies, and validate manuals.
Here is a list of the responsibilities of a business lawyer:
1.Designing names: The owner of the company might have an idea for the name of the company but it is not always possible to keep that name because of copyright claims. Calgary business lawyers at Duplooylaw make sure that the name is unique and will not invite an absurd and unnecessary legal attraction in the future.
2.Drafting merger and acquisition agreements: Mergers and acquisitions is one of the most prevalent methods by with companies grow. However, the process is not easy and requires a lot of consultation with various business lawyers. Numerous rounds of negotiations happen which are ultimately used by the business lawyers to draft the merger or acquisition agreement. This agreement contains various details such as the new name of the company, new board members, and employment structure and so on.
3.Negotiating with federal entities: A lot of clearances need to be taken before a company can start its operations. Business lawyers make it so much easy on the owners. They deal with all the federal authorities and get the required permissions so that your business can finally start generating revenue.
4.Handling business lawsuits: In the business world, lawsuits are common but they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Calgary business lawyers at Duplooylaw are business generalists meaning they are aware of how deals are cracked and transactions happen. Also, they can work out problems with the parties in a much more efficient and effective manner.
5.Drafting employment agreements: A company is a separate legal entity. It has an identity that is completely different from its owners and employees. Therefore having an agreement between the company and people that work there is a good idea. The agreement outlines basic but important things such as profit sharing, remuneration, leave policy, additional benefits etc.
6.Framing business contracts with vendors and customers: If the business is producing something, then it’s better to have a written agreement with the supplier regarding the quantity, price etc. of the item. An agreement with customers should also be there dictating remedies for various customer grievances.
Calgary business lawyers ofDuplooylaw are providing high-quality services to businesses in Calgary. There is a huge demand for business lawyers nowadays because they help lay the foundation on which businesses are built. It doesn’t matter whether your business is old or new, Calgary business lawyers are always ready to help grow your business.