Most, if not all of us know of the significance and importance that fur coats have brought to fashion over the course of history. Both for practical purposes and for fashion purposes, fur coats and other garments made from fur have made a significant impact on many people’s lives, as well as the fashion industry as a whole.
The history that goes along with fur coats and fur jackets is rich and vast, as many generations before us have been utilizing and wearing fur coats before fashion was even considered fashion. Fast-forwarding a couple (a lot) of years, and you can now see fur coats being worn in a multitude of different scenarios and situations. While way back in the past, furs were a status symbol that showed your class status and could only be worn by a select group of people, anyone can now wear a fur coat if they so, please.
Not just the rich and famous can claim to hold on to the many amazing benefits that can come with a fur coat. Not only can you pair a fur coat with your favorite fall and winter fashion pieces, but you can also stay incredibly warm while wearing one of these beautiful garments. You can without a doubt stay warmer than other coats you can find at your local retail store.
Over the years, as trends and fads come and go, fur coats seem to have taken their place as a timeless piece of fashion that will never go out of style, no matter how hard you try to make it seem outdated.
There are always new and inventive ways that fur coat manufacturers and fur stores are transforming the way we wear furs. Plus, there are a million different kinds of silhouettes, colors, sizes, styles, and combinations of furs that can all be brought into those coats or jackets to make them unique and fresh.
Another way that there has been some type of freshness added to the collection of fur coats you can go out and buy are through the actual types of furs. While there are a great variety of types of furs you can get on a coat, there are only a select few that are truly the most timeless kinds of fur that will last you a lifetime.
For example, fox fur is one of the most classic and highly worn types of furs money can buy. While fox fur can be considered a common type of fur, the look of it is anything but common. Fox fur is an incredibly beautiful kind of fur that can come in many different colors. Mostly, you’ll have an easy time finding a red fox fur coat, but they can also come in many different colors such as silver, black, and can even be dyed to any color you’d like.
Not only is fox fur extremely stylish, but it’s also incredibly soft and full, giving any coat a really beautiful look that you’d want from a full-on fur coat. Despite how beautiful you’d look in a red fox fur coat, you’d also feel incredibly warm and cozy in one too. While that’s the whole point of a coat, a fox fur coat delivers.
To find coats just like the ones described above, check out the inventory from Maximilian. There, you’ll find the best fur coats you’ll ever be able to find. Check out their website at and see for yourself what you can get if you choose a coat with fox fur on it.