Looking for the Best Camping Knife?

If you are planning on going camping, then you need to have a good knife by your side. Camping knives come in all shapes and sizes, which can make finding the best camping knife seem next to impossible. Today we will be looking at what you should consider before you purchase a new camping knife.

Folding or Fixed
One of the biggest and most important things to consider is whether you want a fixed blade or a folding knife. There are some campers who wouldn’t dream of venturing out into the wilderness without a fixed blade, while more casual campers should be able to get a lot of utility out of a pocket knife. If you plan on tackling hard campsite chores like using your knife to baton firewood, then a fixed blade knife is essential.

Big or Small
Once you know what kind of knife you need, you need to think about size. If you are going with a folding knife, then a standard size of between 3 and 4 inches is all that you will need. When it comes to fixed blade knives, the sweet spot for performing a wide range of outdoor activities is between 4 inches and 6.5 inches. Knives with blade sizes in this range will be able to perform more detailed tasks while also having the strength and cutting power needed to tackle harder jobs.

In addition to the size of your knife, you also need to think about what materials were used in its construction. Now obviously you are going to have a steel blade, but not all steel is created equal. High carbon steel alloys like 1095 steel are a common option for knife makers because a carbon steel blade is easy to sharpen and holds an edge very well. Stainless steels offer protection against corrosion, though they can take longer to sharpen. You should also make sure that your knife has well built and comfortable handle scales.

Blade Design
Finally you need to consider the actual design of your camp knife’s blade. A good camping knife should be able to provide utility and perform several camp tasks. Some of the most popular outdoor knife styles for camping knives are drop point and spear point blades. If you are hunting while you camp, you should consider knives with an adequate belly for skinning and dressing game.

Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to find the best camping knife for your next camping trip. If you need a great place to start, consider taking a look at The Knife Connection. They have a huge selection of knives and their easy to use filters makes it simple to create a list of knives that have the exact traits that you value in a camping knife. If you have any questions about any of the knives that they carry, feel free to reach out to one of their knife experts by sending an email to [email protected].

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