
Responsibilities of a business lawyer

Who is a business lawyer?A business lawyer is also called a corporate lawyer or a transactional lawyer. Business lawyers mainly deal in contracts. They help form companies; they work through partner-founder agreements. Business lawyers are kind of business generalists for the most part. They are usually the first ones to […]

This Clown Bike Is Not Clownin’

Are you someone who, for better or for worse, simply loves the spotlight? Has that inherent desire for attention caused you to take up entertainment in some capacity or other? If you find that either of those statements resonates with you, and you simply love to put on a show, […]

Explore BDSM with Bondage Sex Toys

Dominance, submission, and control are all terms in the BDSM lexicon. During sex, one partner often assumes a more dominating role while the other remains more submissive, depending on what you’re into. BDSM can be practiced in a variety of ways, including power play, role-playing, pain play, bondage, wax play, […]